Shotts #45, Part 3

Conan_Edogawa420 wrote:
:smileyvery-happy: You have a cow named Sedai.

Yes, yes I do. :smileyhappy:

I'm just sad that she lost her nametag so you can't actually see "SEDAI" there for yourselves. :smileyvery-happy:

Of course, what I really wanted for that shot was a nice pastoral scene with Betty sitting on the fencepost and the cows just laying around and grazing in the background. But as soon as we went out into the pasture, the morons all had to come charging over to see what we were up to. It was just lucky that Sedai happened to come right over so she could be front and center for the pictures. :smileyvery-happy:

holki: Yeah, the little fuzzball wasn't too impressed, but at least he was sitting still for the picture. He was sort of looking Betty over a little bit, but unfortunately he didn't keep it up long enough to snap the picture.

venus: Yes, her name is Fondle. We have to get kind of creative with calf names after going through so many. :smileytongue:

Glad you all like the pics. I've got a few more on my camera from our adventures tonight (and a couple from last night that I forgot to upload), but you'll have to wait until tomorrow when I'm not all tired and stuff to see those. :smileytongue:

Shotts #45

katt_goddess wrote:
Meat shot... o.O The rules clearly state that the shotglass is NOT to be used as an athletic supporter!!! I'm telling someone!


Good news, everyone! A large suspicious-looking cardboard box was placed on my doorstoop this morning! As soon as I make sure it's not a terrorist, I'll be breaking into it and pawing through the goodies that may or may not be inside.

Also, in a happy stroke of luck, Metatronda is going to be here visiting for a few days this week. So he'll get to be in on the shotglass goodness too.:smileyvery-happy:

Originally posted by Cille